Title: Rune Factory Oceans PS3-DUPLEX
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Developer: Neverland
Publisher: Rising Star Games
Release Date: May 25, 2012
Platform: PlayStation 3 (PS3)
File Size: 2.10 GB / Split 3 parts 990 MB Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, 1Fichier, Google Drive, Uptobox, UpFile.Mobi
Free Download Rune Factory: Oceans PS3 Game – What secrets lie in this vast new land? And who is the sinister masked stranger who threatens to destroy it? With the aid of the giant golem Ymir and a colourful cast of characters, Aden and Sonja will cross vast oceans, discover dungeons packed with riches, fertile islands ripe for planting, and battle …
The brash Aden and cheerful Sonja are two friends enjoying life in their peaceful island town until they’re struck by a mysterious curse: they awaken to find that they’ve been transported to a strange new island, and that both of their souls are now trapped in the same body.
• Harness the power of the towering golem Ymir
• Cross dangerous oceans and fight gargantuan monsters
• Raise islands from the depths
• Tons of activities to master
• Start and run a farm
• Fish for food or in competition
• Cook delicious recipes that both aid combat and improves relationships
• Craft items
• Compete in numerous festivals
• Explore dungeons packed with dangerous monsters, valuable treasure and powerful bosses
Rune Factory Oceans PS3-DUPLEX
Rune Factory Oceans PS3-DUPLEX
Rune Factory Oceans PS3-DUPLEX
Rune Factory Oceans PS3-DUPLEX
Rune Factory Oceans PS3-DUPLEX
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